How much is waiting for a nursing home

Nursing homes for seniors are under siege. We are talking not only about public retirement homes , but also private ones. People interested in staying in them have to wait in a long queue, often very long. How long do we have to wait for a nursing home and can we somehow reduce the waiting time?

Public Nursing Home – Waiting Time

There are relatively few nursing homes in Poland, the operation of which is partially financed from public funds. Of course, their number may seem large, but it is not fully adapted to the demand for a place in a nursing home. More and more often older people are interested in staying in them, and not only their children, who cannot cope with their care. How long do we have to wait for a public nursing home? The waiting time depends mainly on the region. Where the population is greater, we will wait longer. The age structure of the region also influences the waiting time. Where the majority are elderly people, we will wait longer again. In practice, the waiting time is at least six months. However, this applies to sparsely populated areas or those where the vast majority are young people. Meanwhile, where the elderly population dominates, we can wait up to 2.3 years for admission. Unfortunately, no representative of the nursing home will tell us this outright. The waiting time may be shortened,if the student resigns from staying in the center or is allocated additional places. However, such a situation is extremely rare. Moreover, in some cases we may be overtaken by people who really urgently need help. If, on the other hand, our health condition allows us to wait for admission to a nursing home, this period may be up to 3 years.

Priority admission to a nursing home

Some people have priority admission to a nursing home. Some cases are regulated by law, while others are regulated by clerks. Nursing homes are divided into several categories. The most popular of these are the so-called retirement homes. Elderly people are referred to them. Nevertheless, there are also nursing homes for the sick, physically and mentally disabled. According to the regulations, priority in admitting to a nursing home is given to war veterans and repressed persons. So much for the theory, but the practice is quite different. Very often we are overtaken in the queue by people suffering from Alzheimer’s, who theoretically should end up in a nursing home for sick people. Meanwhile, their age allows them to be placed in an institution for the elderly.Why is this happening? Because there are much less centers for sick people than classic retirement homes. Sick people often have priority admission to a nursing home. This is happening for a reason. The point is that such a person is a threat to both himself and those around him. While an elderly person is often unable to perform the simplest activities, a sick person may perform them with exposure to himself or others. Hence the priority when admitting sick people. Theoretically, they should go to a specialized center. Nevertheless, most patients want to be admitted to a center in their area of ​​residence. Hence the decision to place them in a center for the elderly, not the sick.Sick people often have priority admission to a nursing home. This is happening for a reason. The point is that such a person is a threat to both himself and those around him. While an elderly person is often unable to perform the simplest activities, a sick person may perform them with exposure to himself or others. Hence the priority when admitting sick people. Theoretically, they should go to a specialized center. Nevertheless, most patients want to go to a center in their area of ​​residence. Hence the decision to place them in a center for the elderly, not the sick.Sick people often have priority admission to a nursing home. This is happening for a reason. The point is that such a person is a threat to both himself and those around him. While an elderly person is often unable to perform the simplest activities, a sick person may perform them with exposure to himself or others. Hence the priority when admitting sick people. Theoretically, they should go to a specialized center. Nevertheless, most patients want to be admitted to a center in their area of ​​residence. Hence the decision to place them in a center for the elderly, not the sick.a sick person can carry them out with the risk of himself or others. Hence the priority when admitting sick people. Theoretically, they should go to a specialized center. Nevertheless, most patients want to be admitted to a center in their area of ​​residence. Hence the decision to place them in a center for the elderly, not the much a sick person can do them with the risk of himself or others. Hence the priority when admitting sick people. Theoretically, they should go to a specialized center. Nevertheless, most patients want to go to a center in their area of ​​residence. Hence the decision to place them in a center for the elderly, not the sick.

Private nursing homes

How much is waiting for a nursing homeIn the case of private nursing homes, the waiting time for admission is also not good. There are more and more such centers, but still too few to accommodate everyone. The waiting time for admission depends primarily on the standards chosen by an elderly person. It is mainly about peace. Choosing a single room is more expensive, but on the other hand, we wait for it the longest. If we choose a dormitory room, the waiting time for it may be shortened. How much will we have to wait on average? Generally similar to public nursing homes. The waiting time depends on the location and structure of the population in the area. However, we will certainly have a shorter wait in high-standard nursing homes. The reason is, of course, the price – few seniors can afford to stay there.However, if our family helps us financially, sometimes we will be able to move in even the second day after signing the contract. Every year, a dozen or so private nursing homes are opened in Poland, as opposed to financial houses financed by the state budget. Hence, a greater chance of getting a place in it faster.

The choice between a private nursing home and a public home is often difficult. It may also depend on how long we will have to wait for a place to be allocated to it. We will wait shorter in private centers, but the price for the stay may be prohibitive. However, if you want to get into a public nursing home, let’s prepare for a long waiting period. Unfortunately, it is related to the aging society and the growing demand for this type of place. Meanwhile, nursing homes are not opening up massively.